FunSaver Fujifilm Recipe

This is what happens when you throw everything Fujifilm cameras have to offer into the pursuit of a disposable film camera look.

Øyvind Nordhagen
5 min readMay 2, 2023
Men at work, Osaka Japan, February 2023. #owh_funsaver recipe.

I recently organized The Disposable Photo Walk together with Oslo SPC. It’s the first time I’ve shot film in literally decades and it was a lot of fun! We used Kodak Fun Saver cameras. They come pre-loaded with 27 frames of Kodak Max 800 film. They also have a built-in flash, which I recommend using at all times if you happen to try these yourself.

Kodak Fun Saver disposable camera

Anyway, when I got the pictures back from scanning I was… not terribly impressed with myself, or the camera for that matter. Here are some of the frames I got.

However, as any good Fujifilm recipe connoisseur I immediately broke out X-raw studio and started tweaking. I now had some fresh examples of totally shitty film exposures to guide me to the, so let’s have some fun!



Øyvind Nordhagen

Photographer based in Oslo. I write about photographic technique and editing.